Electricity & Magnetism for Teachers – Y11 Physics Module 4

$310AUD + GST per person, NESA ACCREDITED for 4.5 hours of PD @ Proficient
This self-paced, on-demand course provides in depth professional learning for teachers new to Year 11 Physics and also experienced teachers seeking further development around Electricity & Magnetism.
During this course, participants will:
- Learn the content for Year 11 Physics Module 4 – Electricity & Magnetism, so they in turn will be able to best teach Electricity & Magnetism and support student learning:
- Electrostatics
- Electric Circuits
- Magnetism
- Learn how to perform the mandatory and recommended experiments for Electricity & Magnetism safely with commonly available equipment
- Learn how to tackle a variety of new questions for Electricity & Magnetism and how to best structure responses to aid student learning
- Learn common student misconceptions in Electricity & Magnetism and how to avoid or overcome them
- Acquire appropriate and varied pedagogies for Electricity & Magnetism
- Receive resources you can use with your students
Completing Electricity & Magnetism for Teachers – Y11 Physics Module 4 will contribute 4 hours and 30 minutes of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing Standard Descriptor(s) 2.1.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.