$280AUD + GST per person, NESA ACCREDITED for 4 hours @ Proficient

This self-paced, on-demand, online course provides in depth professional learning for teachers new to Year 11 Biology and also experienced teachers seeking further development around Cells as the Basis of Life.
During this course, participants will:
- Learn the content for Y11 Biology Module 1, so they in turn will be able to best teach Cells as the Basis of Life and support student learning:
- Cell Structure
- Cell Function
- Learn a variety of modelling techniques for Cells as the Basis of Life
- Learn a variety of experiments for Cells as the Basis of Life
- Learn common student misconceptions in Cells as the Basis of Life and how to avoid or overcome them
- Acquire appropriate and varied pedagogies for Cells as the Basis of Life
- Receive resources you can use with your students
NESA ACCREDITATION Completing Cells as the Basis of Life for Teachers – HSC Biology Module 1 will contribute 4 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and assessment of NSW Curriculum/Early Years Learning Framework addressing Standard Descriptor 2.1.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher in NSW.
Feedback from participants
“Really appreciated the suggested practical experiments, hyperlinks/resources and detailed information with practical strategies for implementation.”