Preparing for the New 7-10 Science Syllabus Staff Development Day

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Please contact us ASAP as dates are limited!

This Staff Development Day provides in-depth professional learning for 7-10 teachers preparing for the new 7-10 Science syllabus. Your staff team will:

  • Learn the new structure and philosophy of the new 7-10 Science syllabus, so they in turn will be able to best teach and support student learning
  • Learn what is new content and what is maintained
  • Determine the optimal ways to scope and sequence the new 7-10 sequence and prepare new scope and sequences
  • Start modifying programs in preparation for implementation of the new syllabus
  • Unpack Data Science in Stages 4&5 and find opportunities to integrate into 7-10 programs



Completing Preparing for the New 7-10 Science Syllabus will contribute 5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and assessment of NSW Curriculum/Early Years Learning Framework addressing Standard Descriptor 2.1.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher in NSW.


Workshop Delivered by Simon Crook

Dr Simon Crook is a very experienced high school Science teacher and provider of professional learning, with a PhD in Physics Educations Research (USyd) and a BSc (Hons) in Physics (Manchester). He has been working with many high schools and school systems to best prepare their teachers and students for the new syllabuses, including his regular partnership schools. Simon was actively involved in the syllabus consultation process. In addition, Simon has been in regular dialogue with STANSW, NESA and The University of Sydney, as well as having articles published in The Conversation, Australian Physics and AARE, regarding new syllabuses and Science teaching.